The arrival of a puppy is always an exciting moment, especially for the little ones. Everyone in the family wants to “baptize” the new member, but choosing what to call it is not always a simple task, and regardless of the tastes of each person, some recommendations can be useful.
The first recommendation is to choose short words and forget those names composed of two words. Preferably choose names with only one syllable and with the letters “a” and “o” incorporated, since they are the ones that the animal perceives in a simpler way.

Keep in mind that if the name is too long, the dog may have a harder time learning it, and may never fully respond to it.
Although they may seem exotic and attractive, names that are difficult to pronounce are not suitable for dogs, because if it is difficult for you to say it correctly, it will surely be difficult for other people to say it too, which will make the animal take a long time to understand that they are being called.
Making the dog respond to its name as soon as possible is a basic step in dog training and obedience, and the faster you get it, the better.
Keep in mind that the name you choose for your pet should be suitable for his whole life including adulthood. That is why names like “Tiny” may not be the most appropriate, even though they may work very well during the puppy stage.
Of course, this observation has to do especially with personal tastes and not with a pet training issue. You might personally really like the name Tiny for a full grown dog.
Many people think that naming a dog after a person is in bad taste, others think it is a nice decision. Our advice is to follow your preferences and choose the option you consider most appropriate, always keeping in mind that it should be short and easy to pronounce.
To choose the name of the dog you can also wait a few days to get to know the puppy a little more and see if their personality inspires you. Maybe they are really energetic, or very calm, different personalities will inspire different names.

Once you have chosen the name of your dog, remember not to give them nicknames or diminutives, you must always call them the same way so that they can identify themselves with that word, otherwise you may never get their attention.
But it is not enough just to choose the right one, you also need the puppy to respond to it. In our article how to make a dog learn his name we explain you how to do it.
If your dog is already an adult or has arrived at your home with a name they already responds to, it is best to keep it that way because it is very difficult for the animal to start responding to another name.
Overall, the most important part is that you pick a name that you know your dog will recognize, and that you know you will use.