Just like people, cats also have different personalities. Besides being independent, intelligent and curious, many cats are also sociable, cuddly and affectionate. Do you want to know which ones?
Find out if your kitten is one of the more cuddly felines and, if it is a newcomer, don’t forget to choose a nice and appropriate name for it!
Maine Coon
The Maine Coon is a quiet, playful, intelligent and very affectionate feline. It is the ideal pet, since it gets along very well with children and can perfectly co-exist with other dogs and cats. They might be cautious in the presence of strangers but they are usually cuddly with their owners and love the company of others of their kind.
One of its main characteristics is that they are great hunter of mice, thanks to its rural origin and to the fact that they have great dexterity in their paws, which they also use to eat, drink and catch things. They are not noisy, and if they purr, it means they are happy and at ease.
The Siamese cat is one of the most sociable breeds you will find. They are really affectionate with members of their family and it is not rare that when coming back home they come to welcome us full of joy and follow us from room to room.
For this reason, many call them the “cat dogs”. They are also active, playful and love to give and receive cuddles.
The ragdoll cat stands out for being very homely and calm, reaching a very high degree of relaxation. They like to play and enjoy being the protagonists. They are very docile as well as affectionate and will need constant attention from their owners, with whom they will maintain an excellent relationship.
They are also intelligent, curious and characterized by their extreme docility. It loves to receive attention and is perhaps the breed that becomes more dependent on their owner.
Norwegian Forest
The Norwegian Forest Cat, despite its size, adapts very easily to family life, but as it is relatively active, it needs some space to explore and go out. It is an excellent climber and loves to be at heights.
He is quite independent and shows great intelligence and can learn tricks and games. He is also docile and friendly with his family environment. Despite their wild appearance, they have an affable personality.
The Angora cat, from Turkey, is an affectionate, cuddly and sociable feline, so it is very suitable for life at home, adapting very well to all family situations. He is well-mannered and quite obedient, being able to learn up to 10 commands.
On the other hand, it is an active, playful and curious cat, although it also likes tranquility.
Russian Blue
The Russian blue cat is a calm and sociable feline. They are very affectionate with their human family, although they tends to be especially fond of one of their owners, whom they will constantly chase and will be faithful and loyal to. They are a little shy but curious, so it will not take them long to show themselves to any visitor.
They are very intelligent, easy to educate. They are extremely clean and tidy, regular in their habits. They hardly meow, only doing it to call their owner’s attention or to express their emotions with a very soft and sweet voice.
The exotic cat is a very calm feline, playful and quite sociable. These pets do not tolerate solitude very well, so they are not as independent as other cat breeds.
They are quite attached and need to be with their owner, to whom they will show more affection and loyalty than other breeds. In addition, they can get along well with other cats, and even with dogs!
The Persian cat is well known for being one of the calmest and most homely cats. They are colloquially known as “couch tigers” because they love to lie on the couch resting or sleeping.
They are also very affectionate and calm pets. Despite their apparent tranquility, they are still felines and will not hesitate to confront authority if they feel aggrieved.
The Somali cat, besides being a very active and intuitive cat, is also very playful and mischievous. They like to live in freedom, so life inside an apartment can be difficult for them. Despite their low tolerance to cold, their hunting instinct will encourage them to go outdoors.
They will need time to be affectionate with the people around them, sometimes being shy and distrustful. They will quickly learn the orders given by their owners, thanks to the fact that they are obedient and intelligent, which makes it very easy to train them. They have an affable and friendly personality, making them a good companion for other cats and people. And above all, they love company!
The Bengal cat is a leopard-like feline that loves to get wet in the water. It is very sociable and has no problem making friends with its companions in the house, whether they are people, dogs or other pets.
It is a very intelligent, active and curious kitten. Therefore, it is convenient to have a garden or a terrace in conditions so that they can run, play and exercise. In addition, they always look for and chase their owner as if they were a dog. If you have one, always play with them!
Those were the Top 10 cuddliest cat breeds
But don’t forget moggy cats are the cuddliest cats in the world! And ignoring myths and superstitions, black cats are also lovely and deserve to be part of our life!